Successful Divorce Through Collaboration
As you go through the Divorce process, it’s important to take time to research and find out what you don’t know. There are actually multiple ways to get a divorce and one of the ways is called Collaborative Divorce and it could be a great fit for you. Collaborative divorce is a completely different approach from litigation, mediation, or arbitration. It is a team that works for you and your spouse’s benefit. You each have an attorney present that is trained in collaborative divorce as well as a financial neutral and a communication coach and a child specialist if necessary. The process is one of coming up with creative solutions that in a litigation environment would normally lead to a court date. Collaborative divorce is recognized by the courts as binding and yet you stay out of court.
Saving money in the long run and having a process that will give you peace of mind, clarity, and the knowledge, and preparation that you have done everything in your power to achieve a successful divorce.
Trained professionals work together openly and for your benefit and with you. They can help you negotiate a settlement and walk you through a process that will keep you out of litigation and equipped to move forward with the next steps in your life.
Instead of looking at a list of unknowns you have a complete process that takes you through a tested formula to make a successful divorce.
- Legal: You and your spouse will each hire an attorney to help guide you and work with you to understand the legal aspects of the decisions you make. They will prepare the paperwork and give guidance in the law.
- Financial: The Financial Neutral is hired by you both and will gather the financial data, clarify your goals, needs and concerns and educate you on the ramifications of the decisions you make. They will also give you settlement options, prepare financial reports, and raise awareness to the rest of the team of issues that may be surfacing.
- Communication: The communication coach does not act as a therapist but rather uses their training to help you both manage emotional or psychological issues that may get in the way of a productive meeting.
- Child Specialist: The Child specialist is a licensed mental health professional who provides information and gives assistance in developing parenting arrangements and brings a voice of the children into the process.
This process may sound too good to be true and be very expensive, but I have seen it work many times. In the long run the cost savings can be substantial. Of course, every case is different, but most attorneys and experts charge significantly more to handle a case in court than out. I encourage you to call and find out some more details about how this process works and how the process of divorce doesn’t have to be more stressful than the divorce already is. Please give us a call at Dekker Divorce Financial Consulting on 480-897-1067. You can also reach us at adam@dekkerfinancial.com.